Awards Matrix
- CLICK HERE to download the form to nominate a Club or individual for an award listed below.
AWARD | TYPE | DESCRIPTION | Who Can Nominate | Deadline | Comments | Presented at |
Ed Peterka Leader Bell Award | Individual Rotarian | Given to a Rotarian annually for outstanding leadership with Rotary District 6460 | District Governors | 30-Jun | None | District Conference |
John Giavaras Community Service Award | Individual Rotarian | Given annually to a Rotarian who has shown community service leadership within their community outside of Rotary | District Governors | 30-Jun | None | District Conference |
Rod Buffington Literacy Award | Individual Rotarian | Given annually to a Rotarian who has made a significant contribution to literacy to the literacy programs of Rotary | District Governors | 30-Jun | None | District Conference |
Youth Service Award | Individual Rotarian | Given annually to a Rotarian who has made a significant contribution to the fifth avenue of service of Rotary | District Governors | 30-Jun | None | District Conference |
Avenue of Service Citation | Individual Rotarian | Honor a club member who participates in service activities in each of the five Avenues of Service (Club, Vocational, Community, International, and Youth Service) | Club President | None | One for Each Avenue of Service | Club |
Club Builder Award | Individual Rotarian | Present a certificate to up to 10 deserving Rotarians from District who have significantly supported and strengthened their Rotary Clubs | District Governors | None | Up to 10 Rotarians in District | District Conference |
New Member Sponsor Recognition Program | Individual Rotarian | Recognize Rotarians who sponsor new members with a gold, silver, bronze, or blue pin | Any Rotarian | None | None | Club |
Rotary Foundation Citation for Meritorious Service | Individual Rotarian | Honor members who have been actively involved in service activities related to The Rotary Foundation, such as serving on a Foundation committee, participating in a grant-funded project, or supporting a Rotary Peace Fellow. | District Governors | None | None | District Conference |
Rotary Foundation Distinguished Service Award | Individual Rotarian | Foundation’s highest service recognition; Given to Rotarians who have demonstrated exemplary service to the Foundation. Recipients MUST have received the Citation for Meritorious Service four (4) years prior to be eligible for this award | Rotarians | 30-Jun | None | District Conference |
Rotary Foundation District Service Award | Individual Rotarian | Present a certificate to Rotarians in District who are making a difference through the Foundations’s programs | District Governors | None | Limit – 20 | District Conference |
RI Service Above Self Award | Individual Rotarian | Rotary’s highest honor recognizes up to 150 Rotarians each year who demonstrate their commitment to helping others by volunteering their time and talents | Current District Governors, Immediate Past District Governors, and Past RI Directors | None | None | District Conference |
Service Award for a Polio-Free World | Individual Rotarian | Recognizes outstanding contributions to our polio eradication efforts. Eeach year, we give up to 10 regional service awards per WHO region to worthy recipients. Also give 10 international awards to people whos work has had widespread impact | Rotarians | 1-Nov | None | Zone or RI Convention |
Vocational Service Leadership Award | Individual Rotarian | Given to Rotarians who have used their occupation to make an impact in the community, demonstrated integrity in their professiona dn in Rotary, and undertaken at least one of siz activites outlined in the award guidelines (see nomination form) | District Governors | 1-Nov | None | District Conference |
Presidential Citation | Clubs | Clubs that are growing stronger, creating positive change in our communities, and enhancing our public image deserve recognition. | District Governors | Club: 31 March to DG DG: 15 April to RI |
None | District Conference |
Significant Achievment Award | Clubs | Club in District whose project has addressed a significant problem or need in the a community (international projects NOT eligible). ONE club per District each year. | District Governors | 15-Apr | None | District Conference |
Family and Community Service Award | Partners in Service | Recognized individuals or organizations that are helping families in the community, as well as Rotarian family members who make positive contributions to a Rotary Club | Club Presidents | None | None | Club |
Presidential Citation for Rotaract and Interact Clubs | Partners in Service | Honor Interact and Rotaract clubs that are meeting our President’s challenges to be active and engaged | District Governors | Club: 31 March to DG DG: 15 April to RI |
None | District Conference |
Rotaract Outstanding Project Award | Partners in Service | Recognize clubs that are making an impact through their exceptional community or international service projects | Rotaractors | 1-Feb | None | Rotaract Club |
Rotarian Spouse/Partner Service Award | Partners in Service | Honor sponses and partners of club members for showing their commitment to Rotary through exemplary humanitarian service | District Governors | 1-Mar | None | Club or District |
Rotary Foundation Alumni Association of the Year | Partners in Service | Recognized one outstanding alumni association each year that hs increased awareness of our alumni’s impact on our organization | Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinators | 30-Jun | None | Zone |
Rotary Foundation Global Alumni Service to Humanity Award | Partners in Service | Recognized one outstanding Foundation alumnus each year whose humanitarian service or professional achievements demonstrate the impact of the Foundations’s programs | Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinators | 30-Jun | None | Zone |
World Interact Week Recognition | Partners in Service | Recognizes Interact clubs that celebrate the founding of the first club during World Interact Week, which occurs each year during the week of 5 November. Activities can range from working on a joint project with a Rotary club to inviting potential members to a club meeting or project | Rotary Club or District Interact Chair | None | None | Interact Club |
World Rotaract Week Recognition | Partners in Service | Recognizes Rotaract clubs that celebrate the founding of the first club during World Rotaract Week, which occurs each year during the week of 13 March. Activities can range from working on a joint project with a Rotaract club to publicizing Rotaract in your local media | Sponsoring Rotary Club or District Rotaract Chair | None | None | Rotaract Club |